Dance and Performing Arts Medicine
As dance medicine physical therapists our main goal is to keep our performing artists moving!
What is dance medicine and performing arts therapy ?
Working with performers requires a completely unique and specialized skill set. More frequently than not, an injury is the result of over-training and technique issues vs. a single traumatic event. So therapy needs to be tailored to not just address the current problem but to prevent future dance injuries as well. We will perform a full evaluation of your technique, alignment, flexibility, and strength. We also incorporate nutrition and sleep hygiene education and perhaps most importantly, the confidence building life skill of personal advocacy. Our team specializes in working with the adolescent and professional dancer but we also excel at working with all types of performing artists. Once a dancer always a dancer!
*Pilates is included with each of our treatments, click here to learn more
80% of dancers will sustain a significant dance injury
Most of these are the result of overtraining vs. a single traumatic event.
A personalized plan will keep you dancing longer, stronger, and healthier.
What we treat for performing artists?
Pointe Readiness Screenings - If you are starting pointe soon, come see us so we can perform a standardized assessment to determine if the time is indeed right. A personalized program to work towards your goals will be designed for you.
Dance Injury Rehabilitation - Our services run the gamut from intense post surgical care to a handful of sessions following a minor injury. All dance related conditions are welcome and treated.
Dance Wellness - Even if you do not currently have an injury (yay!) it is a great idea to have an assessment periodically in order to pinpoint areas of weakness and enhance your injury prevention game plan. You will be dancing longer, stronger, and healthier.
Community Lectures - Own a dance studio? Coach a dance team? Bring us into your space to educate your dancers on your turf about how to care for the body and prevent injuries that might slow down your team. Options include: Injury Prevention Strategies, Nutrition for Dancers, Group Screenings for Injury Prevention, and more. Contact us to learn more!
Contact Us Today.
To schedule a free 15-minute consultation.