Diastasis Recti Research Study
I was so honored to present my research on diastasis recti at the most recent International Association of Dance Medicine and Science meeting in Montreal. Oh, what a beautiful city! Duck confit poutine i am still missing you! My findings….specific core abdominal exercises can assist in the resolution of diastasis recti. It really doesn’t matter how far in the post-partum period you are. There is good work that can always be done. Please do seek out the guidance of a physical therapist or other trained health care provider for assistance. In my 17 years of practice i have seen too many instances of clients working on their own but still having very little idea of how to properly co-contract the pelvic floor and transverse abdominus. Additionally, there is a very specific individualized progression that should be followed according to your current tone, strength, and body type.
It was a great conference and i can’t wait to keep up all the good work on diastasis recti!